Over an illustrious career of filmmaking and photography spanning nearly five decades, Paul Degruccio has created celebrity images for numerous prestigious magazines and news services. It was while Paul was the photo editor at the National Enquirer that he formed a lifelong professional relationship with his current Studio partner Allan Adler. Along his career path, Paul was the contributing photographer to People Magazine in Arizona, covering high profile people, events and stories.
Paul is far more than a celebrity photographer. He is a filmmaker, director, producer and actor. In 1984 his team created the commercial “Arizona Opera Will Blow You Away” and won a Southwest Emmy along with a prestigious Cleo nomination. In 2011 he opened the 2nd Stop Cafe in New York City. The 2nd Stop Cafe quickly became the most highly sought after StumpTown coffee cafe in New York. The Cafe became a prime rental location for movie production companies.
In addition to his artistic talents in photography, cinema, home building and restaurant entrepreneurship; Paul is a creator and an inventor. He has built a camera insert car that has been rented out to film production companies. His 20-foot crane can lift two persons and has been used in multiple movie productions, including “The Getaway”. The consummate “go-to” person to create something from nothing - his favorite saying is “for film production you need two basic things - a movable toilet and a crafts building or tent”.
Today, in what he calls his “last hurrah” Paul enjoys life and once again wants to be involved with film production. His reconnection with Allan Adler reminded him of his love of photography and film. When Allan suggested they create a studio together, Paul jumped aboard and Electric Omelet Studios was formed. Like Allan, he is interested in giving back to the community and plans on mentoring and teaching today’s filmmakers the classic and timeless techniques that will never go out of style no matter how the technology changes.